Location: AP Bus
Time: 8:30 am
PANDAS! As I mentioned in my earlier entries, I really wanted to see the pandas at the Beijing Zoo. Well, today was the day. Besides having not fully recovering from the crazy adventure day before, I was up and ready for the trip to the zoo at 7:00 am. I haven't slept in once in my time here in China and although I fall asleep whenever I sit down for more than 5 mins. I'm glad I've been enjoying everything this place has to offer. So, oh yeah, back to the Pandas. The Beijing Zoo seemed as though it was in the middle of the city, surrounded by old buildings and rushing cars. Speaking of cars, I've noticed that the majority of cars and buses here are stick shift. I actually remember my mom telling me about the first time she came to the U.S. and drove an automatic car and how excited she was about it. Just another thing that, I think, some people take for granted. I mean, can you imagine driving stick through Beijing traffic at rush hour?!!? Painful.
As we walked in, we passed by a few notable animals, including some lions and foxes.
The pandas were incredibly adorable. We all wanted to steal one, but I figured out that a baby panda weighs as much as 80lbs so I don't think the panda stealing could have been accomplished. There were about 5 baby pandas just playing and eating, I got so jealous.
The plans for the evening included watching 6 matches of Men's and Women's Beach Volleyball! How exciting! My sister demanded that I attend this event, so I did. Hope you're happy Kara!
Good news is that both U.S. teams won, bad thing is my computer deleted a majority of the photos from the game :( but I did get to see Kobe Bryant and Mitt Romney at the event..too bad you guys can't see the pictures I took. I guess you'll just have to make my word on it. Here are the pics that I did keep. The older lady who sat next to me was commenting on 'how wonderful the men were in beach volleyball." haha she was totally checking out all the players. Especially those from the Netherlands.
I'll end this post with one of the best pictures from my trip thus far, thanks for the great camera work Lana.
Awesome blog Kish!! Hope you are having the time of your life. Seems very exciting over there. I can't help but feel jealous. Keep up with the updates. We are all reading them!
Take care sweetie!
Net Net
hey sis, so i like how you went to go see pandas.... they look alot like coyotes and hyenas by the way... crazy kids... well dont forget i want some water from the exact pool from which the olympains swam from... in a jar... two jars... equal amounts... temp at about 70 1/2 degrees a little off room temprature... and i want thew podium that there dawned their medals on... but i want a fourth place spot on there too... these are my requests... be safe : )
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