Date: August 12, 2008
Location: AP Bus
Time: 11:30 pm
I won't lie, when I woke up this morning I wasn't feeling too hot. My body was exhausted from all the traveling and the fact that I haven't gotten much sleep AND I haven't had Starbucks in 2
weeks! With barely enough energy to get out of bed, I get prepared for the morning softball game at the Fengtai Sports Center. There 2 games to watch: Chinese Taipei VS. Canada (Canada wins) and USA VS. Venezuela (USA wins 13-0). The highlight of the game was that Jennie Finch was pitching for USA. She did amazing! My friend even got my softball ticket signed by Jennie, so that's something that will definitely be framed.
The girls did amazing, it actually looked like they were all enjoying the game and the fans.
The only thing nobody really enjoyed was the beaming sun all morning. It was the first day of clear skies during our stay here in China and it just so happens to be the first day that I did not wear sunscreen. I got so sunburned. I also had a tattoo of the American flag on my arm and now there is a tiny little square on my left shoulder.
We all totally got into the spirit of the games. With face paint and American flags in hand, we made our area of the stands super American!
With one event through, it was to get to event #2. BOXING. I wasn't sure what to expect. Was it
going to be like Pay-per-View boxing? Nope. I was wrong. It was more a of a toned down version but still very exciting. We got lucky and saw a Chinese boxer and any pretty much any Chinese athlete draws all the crowds.
I found out that one of the matches we watched was the center of controversy
Once we left boxing, we hastily made our way to our last and final event of the day: Men's
Indoor Volleyball at the Capital Gymnasium. Wow. Talk about intense. Once again we were able to make it to the game where China is playing. Chinese fans were starting waves and chants the entire game! There wasn't a moment of silence. It was actually the fullest stadium I had seen thus far. Of course China won and I had a blast, an extra bonus? Cute players haha :)
Overall it was an exciting day. It was actually the first day we saw the sun in Beijing and truth is, the blue skies made the city even more beautiful.
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